Well, we managed the first ocean crossing so let's do another. Astoria was great fun but it was time to move on. We left at 9:00 AM to catch the flood tide on the bar. The bars seems to be the over arching planning element on these trips. We hoped to arrive at Coos Bay early morning but late enough for daylight and the flood tide.
Departing across the bar we had huge swells that I did not want to turn cross wise to, so we ended going north quite a bit to avoid that. We added time to the transit because of that but it was ok to keep us more comfortable. The video below was taken by Matt as we departed and I appreciate that and the sound effects he added to the video.
After that, and moving more offshore, the ride was mostly calm but getting slightly rougher in the morning as we approached Coos bay.
The cruise dinner that night was Green Beans, vegetarian no-meat loaf and mashed potatoes. That was mighty fine.

We entered the bar at high alert but it was an easy crossing. Nice Coast Guard tower and caves below at Coos Bay.

Coos Bay is an interesting place. It appears that the only thing to do there is fish and crab. The public dock we stayed at was filled with people on the dock fishing and crabbing and leaving all sorts of stuff on the dock associated with that activity. They arrived early and left late and brought their lawn chairs and rolling ice chests with food and beverages. Fun activities for sure, but shoes could not be kept clean as one walked down the dock to go to town. It was pretty disgusting and it smelled pretty bad there.
We decided to leave the next morning and head to Crescent Bay. We did have a nice dinner in the local restaurant but on the back of a truck there was a sign that read "visitors go home, we don't want you here". So we did.
Technical Data:
Time: 22 h 55 m ( 09:00 to 07:56 ) Distance: 193.44 nm
Fuel: 84.71 Gallons Fuel Rate: 3.69 GPH Fuel Economy: 2.28 NM/G
Avg Speed: 8.43 kn Max Speed: 10.85 kn
Engine Runtime Start: 2995.20 Hours Runtime End: 3018.10 Hours Fuel: 84.71 Gallons Fuel Rate: 3.69 GPH Fuel Rate Max: 6.26 GPH Avg RPM: 1356.89 Max RPM: 1574.25 Avg Oil Pressure: 52.86 Low Oil Pressure: 31.33 Avg Temperature: 190.95 Max Temperature: 194.00
